K-12 Schools: Access our growing teacher database with our SmartMatching tool.   Teachers: Join the fastest-growing community of Educators on the Searchality platform.

Agile Recruitment for Schools and Teachers

Designed exclusively for K-12 education, Searchality makes hiring easier for schools and job searches smoother for teachers.

See Searchality in Action
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Overcoming Recruitment Challenges in K-12

While schools struggle with high turnover, lack of qualified candidates, and lengthy hiring processes, teachers strive to find opportunities that match their skills and preferences. This combination often results in frustration, inefficiencies, and lost time for both parties.

Let Beth show you how Searchality can help your school


Beth Headshot

Beth Owen
Founder/ CEO


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Find Your Perfect Match

Finding the right fit requires a combination of art and science. While you focus on searching for your ideal candidate or role, we’ll deal with the technical side, using proprietary algorithms and AI to match qualified educators with current job openings – and vice versa.

I'm a Teacher We're a School
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Create Rich Profiles

Searchality automatically creates profiles for teachers and schools – complete with every needed detail, including experience and qualifications. Our teacher database consists of thousands of candidate profiles, and we keep expanding through partnerships like the one with We Are Teachers

Teachers, ready to stand out in the crowd? 
Create your digital profile with Searchality and enhance your visibility in the education job market. Show your skills, experience, and preferences and stand out to schools actively seeking candidates! 

Create Your Profile Here
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Download Our Exclusive Report

Gain valuable insights into the latest trends in teachers' job searches with our downloadable report. Stay current with news in educator recruitment, including analyses on demographic and SEO trends, personalized personas, and practical recommendations for effective outreach.

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A Faster Way To Apply

Searchality simplifies the application process for all by integrating directly with your school's website and recruitment software. By adding our widget to your page, candidates can apply for open roles in just a few clicks. We connect job postings with qualified candidates who are genuinely interested, and minimize time spent on other applicants.

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Efficient Year-Round Recruitment

We get it; school hiring has its seasons. While it may not be the peak hiring season, starting early is key. Faculty recruitment has turned into a year-round venture, and Searchality helps you effectively use your website to stay ahead of your hiring.

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Whether you’re looking to learn more about our platform, our affordable pricing model, or our mission in general, we are here to help.