It Is Not About Us, It Is About You

Unlike any time in recent memory, the cracks in our education system are showing. With unprecedented burnout, violent budget cuts, and politicized assaults on curriculum, the entire industry seems to be balancing on increasingly shaky ground.

Even fundamental needs, like recruiting talented educators, face unparalleled roadblocks, impacting institutions and teachers like never before.

Today, it is estimated that schools spend over $20,000 on average to replace a single teacher – including separation, recruitment, hiring, and training. Industry wide, the cost of talent acquisition has ballooned to over $10 Billion annually.

For teachers, the sea of job postings and vacancies has grown treacherous, flooded with redundant applications, misleading descriptions, and endless evaluations.


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It’s clear that in order for things to change, we must look for solutions outside of the current system. And so, Searchality was born.

With the help of proprietary algorithms and Artificial Intelligence, we look to connect institutions and educators like never before.

For schools, this means not only finding more qualified talent, but doing so at significantly reduced costs.
For teachers, this means not only finding the perfect position, but doing so with ease.

For everyone, this means better retention, longer tenures, and stronger relationships.

At Searchality, it truly is not about us, but about changing education for the better. Join us, won’t you?

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