Find International School Staff

Hire Teachers, Leaders, and Specialists

Searchality helps  international schools to hire great teachers, school leaders and specialists globally. 

Built for Schools

Find the right staff-

  • You create an account and describe your school.

  • You specify the needs of each vacancy (and there is NO cost for multiple listings).

  • We provide detailed profiles (with references) of suitable candidates, matched to your needs.

  • You decide who to interview

  • There are NO hiring fees

It’s completely free to get started. After registering your school, you can get started in four simple steps:

Describes the vacancies

Fill in details of the role(s). You can be as specific or as general as needed. Our matching approach will find you the perfect candidates.

We’ve completely removed per-candidate fees. You don’t pay for job adverts and you don’t pay hiring fees. You can therefore list as many vacancies as you want for no extra cost.

Choose locations

Tell us where in the world you’d like to work

(Our members are truly global. Click here to see where everyone is based).


Choose who to interview

You can filter in multiple ways to refine your selection of matching candidates. It’s designed to be quick and simple.

You review every candidate in a standardized way so it’s easy to compare.



Let us know who you want to talk to.

Once they confirm their interest we’ll help you fix up the schedule for interviewing.

(We’ll even share some interview advice with the candidates so that you get the best from them on the day).

Recruitment made smarter and cheaper

We've designed Searchality to make the search for new staff much simpler & faster and better. 

See how easy it is to get started on building your profile.