How do you find qualified teachers?
Our budget is already set/stretched this year - is there anything you can do?
How long does it take to set-up our school Searchality account?
How many people at our school can use the Searchality account?
Can we integrate Searchality with our existing HR system?
Our school is part of a group/district - can we share an account?
How many people at our school can use the Searchality account?
What does Searchality cost?
What if we need a plan for less than a year?
What if we want to cancel?
Are there any set-up fees?
Is Searchality built to work with different school types/curricula?
What schools do you have as members?
What kind of schools do you work for?
How long does it take to set-up my profile?
How much would Searchality cost me?
Will my data be private and safe?
Do you share my profile with schools?
I am not receiving any matches, what should I do?
Will a school sponsor my visa/Work Permit?
Will an International school sponsor my visa/Work Permit?
Why do I need 2 profiles to look internationally & in the US?

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