How do you find qualified teachers?
What does Searchality cost?
How many people at our school can use the Searchality account?
Are there any set-up fees?
How long does it take to set-up our school Searchality account?
Our school is part of a group/district - can we share an account?
Can we change our plan later?
What if we need a plan for less than a year?
What if we want to cancel?
Can we integrate Searchality with our existing HR system?
Can we set-up Searchality alone?
How many teachers do you have in your database?
What schools do you have as members?
Does Searchality sponsor work visas for international teachers?
What kind of schools do you work for?
How long does it take to set-up my profile?
How much would Searchality cost me?
What if I need a plan for less than a year?
What if I want to cancel?
Will my data be private and safe?

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